Impulse™ treated baits have, and continue to yield, some truly spectacular results. Simply stated, anglers employing Impulse impregnated baits have been proven to out-fish other anglers at rates of greater than 2:1 during competition! Thus, the Impulse™ bio stimulant represents a clear leap forward, in terms of bait preparation, with respect to consistently achieving every angler's goal of catching greater numbers of fish.
Impulse™ was independently tested by researchers at Sparsholt College, the UK’s premier Aquaculture and Fisheries Management institution, where it was scientifically proven to out-fish equivalent non-dosed baits by a factor of greater than 2:1. The attached pie chart summarizes these results. Anglers wishing to read the original research can find a downloadable copy of the associated thesis at this site’s SCIENCE page.
The Sparsholt findings were later confirmed and improved upon by our field testers, on both the commercial match circuit and the big carp scene. Indeed, as illustrated by our product testimonials, multiple ‘brown envelops’. and named fish have fell to (the then) secret bait during testing!
Impulse™ has recently been developed into a range of commercial products and is now available for purchase through our PARTNERS in the UK and other regions world-wide.
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